Monday, August 30, 2010

A little peek and a note!

    Hi everyone! I hope you had a great weekend! I'm going to be MIA for awhile, nothing serious going on, I just have a bunch of things (mostly fun) that I need to take care of. I'm going to try and participate in Pink Saturday this week and also Spiritual Sunday but other than that I probably won't be posting until after Labor Day. Hopefully "EARL" will stay away and I won't have to worry about Hurricane Warnings  but they have adjusted his track to the West (towards the East Coast) twice today. Don't get worried yet, they are still saying he will take a turn out to sea by Thursday.
    I finished the Wild West Cowgirl Artwork I have been working on and thought I would leave you with this little sneak peek! 

Have a great week and don't gab too much while I'm away! Hugs and Blessings, Nan

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Scripture in Pictures Sunday

 As always, you can click on the picture to make it larger
then right click and save!

Today is a very special Spiritual Sunday as we are joining up with Kelee at the Katillac Shack, and Sherry at Country Wings In Phoenix, and Beverly at How Sweet the Sound   and of course Ginger and Charlotte 
of Spiritual Sundays  for a very special Miracle Makeover Party for an amazing Woman, Colette. Please visit these sites and a $1.00 donation will be made for each comment left.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pink Saturday! Night & Day

 Happy Pink Saturday Everyone!
Not only is this Pink Saturday but it is also a Miracle Makeover Blog Party! Please visit Kelee  at the 
Katillac Shack and watch this inspiring video about Colette's story.  Also stop by How Sweet the Sound and say Hi to Miss Beverly our Host and Sherry at Country Wings in Phoenix.  And here's the great part, $1.00 will be donated for each and every comment!

Before I get to my post, last week as Part of PINK Saturday I visited Jacqueline at Purple Chocolat Home. She always shares amazing pictures, wonderful tablescapes and the most wicked recipes! Stop by and see Jacqueline, I know you will be glad you did! 

My girls are so different it's hard to believe they came from the same gene pool. One is fair skinned, with blue eyes and strawberry Blond hair. The other daughter has dark hair, dark eyes and is dark complected. And their personalities are totally different as well. I always say they are as different as Night and Day. One day I was in a gift shop and noticed these two figurines. I was immediately drawn to them because they reminded me of  my own two girls.

Then I looked closer and noticed the fair one was named Day and the darker one Night. I knew right then and there I  had to have these! But it gets even better! I turned the figures around and found these beautiful, inspiring verses. 

On the Day figurine:    (you can click on it to make it larger)

and on the Night figurine:

I love these figurines and the verses,


I love my girls!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Friday Freebies!

Happy Friday Everyone!
I have some great freebies for you this week and as always, make sure and leave a little note of thanks for these very generous bloggers!
First up, Summer Time Designs has this totally amazing Halloween Digi Scrap kit! There are 6 links so make sure you get all of them!

Look at this really sweet Lemonade Party at Babalisme! She has all the free printables to make your party complete!

Creature Comforts is gifting us with some really pretty printable gift tags and labels and an idea for using them on home made ice cream topping!

And how cool is this! Tricia-Rennea has  free printable  26 letters in 26 days! You can use these on your website or in print too! You have to do a little snooping but all 26 plus some extras are there!

I wish I was going to Disney World or Disneyland, sigh Hubby Hates Disney World but just in case YOU are going, the Crafting Chicks has the instructions AND the free template to make your own count down chart!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, filled with bubbles of joy! Nan

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Howdy Partner!

 If you read my blog yesterday, you know I'm working on some new artwork for
Paula's swap. I thought I would give you a little update picture!

I'm pretty happy with her progress so far. I'm tickled with her boots and the fringe on her skirt! I've actually added a few more details since I scanned this. Here's a quirky little tid bit about how I create my art, when I am drawing a live figure, a person, dog, horse, etc. I do the face last, especially the eyes. I don't know, maybe subconsciously  I don't like someone staring back at me, pleading with me to hurry up and finish, LOL! But seriously, I do the eyes last because to me, that is what brings my art to life, the cherry on top and I like for it to be the "final touch". I will probably finish the pony (everything but the eyes), go back and add little touches to both the cowgirl and the pony then do both sets of eyes, bringing them both to life at the same time.
     I'm also excited about this project because this is the first time I have actually used my new Copic markers on an "real" project. I have to tell you I AM LOVING THEM!!!! 

I can't wait to order some more because I'm already seeing that I need some light blues, pinks, lighter browns and ..... I guess I better put the credit card in the freezer before I get carried away. I sat on the fence for the longest time about buying these but they are worth every penny. I have used other expensive markers before but none can hold a candle to these. The colors are so smooth and don't smear or streak. I am working on a special paper pad made just for Copics and it too is wonderful. I can't remember the name of it but if you are interested, just shoot me an email and I will get the name for you. I will try and post another update later in the week but this might be the last time I have a chance to post until it is finished. Have a wonderful bubbly day, Nan

I'm also linking this to:
Whatever goes Wednesday 

and since my Cowgirl has a red skirt and boots this is my first Rednesday post!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Even Cowgirls get the Blues!

I'm participating in my first ever blog swap, Paula's Wild West Tag Swap to be exact! I'm so excited to be participating and since it is my first swap I wanted to do something special. So, I decided to create my own "vintagey" Wild West artwork. But that would be easier said then done as I would fall victim to a serious case of artist block. I could see Cowgirls and little ponies running around in my head but no matter how hard I tried, I could not coral them on paper! I know the more I draw, the easier it comes to me and I want to draw even more, but I have been a bad steward of my God given talents, ignoring my art for months on end.  When I pick up a pencil to sketch it's as if I'm drawing for the first  time. I stare at the paper, almost afraid to start. I wish I could draw and paint with the wild abandon I had as a child. To paint with such joy and be so happy with everything that left the tip of my pencil or brush. I NEVER  show anyone my rough sketches anymore,  because I'm usually not happy with them but I'm going to step out on a limb here and show you my rough sketch for Paula's swap! 

 It already looks different than this as I have worked out all the little details, redrawn it, inked it and started to add color. Now I'm looking forward to finishing my tag and sending it on it's way to Paula this weekend.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Scripture in Pictures Sunday

       As always, you may click on the picture to bring up a larger, sharper image, then "right click" and save!
Please visit Charlotte & Ginger 
our host for Spiritual Sundays.

Pink Saturday!

Happy PINK Saturday!
Please stop by How Sweet the Sound and say Hi to Beverly, our host for Pink Saturday. 
When I was about ten years old, I started taking Art Lessons with two of my BFFs. Our  teacher was a very quiet elderly man, a world traveler and a master painter in his own right. His studio was situated directly behind the old Victorian house he shared with his sister. I loved that studio, the smell of oil paints and Linseed oil mingled with the scent of fresh cut flowers and steaming hot tea.  Boxes stacked precariously along the walls and several old dressers held a treasure trove of old prints and pictures. He always refereed to them as "studies".  Many times he would arrange a little still life for us to paint but he also encouraged us to "copy" other artists so we could learn different styles. On these occasions he allowed us to rummage around in the stacks of old prints, looking for just the right piece of inspiration or to bring in our own special selection. I remember thumbing through my Mom's Better Homes and Gardens one day when I saw an ad for the most adorable puppy prints. There were four in the set, a Scottie, a Boston Terrier, a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle and all had these LARGE, almost bulging eyes. I begged my Mom to send away for them, promising her I would paint every single one of them. She always indulged my artistic whims and so she sent away for them.
I could hardly wait for them to arrive so I could copy them in my own style. In hindsight, I'm sure when my art teacher laid eyes on my "prized prints" for the first time he was probably thinking to himself "good grief, those are the tackiest dogs I have ever seen!".  I did keep my word to my mom, sort of, I painted three of the four, the only one I never got around to painting was the Cocker which is strange because that was my favorite of the four. The picture above is my rendition of the poodle painted in oils when I was eleven.

I don't have too many oil paintings with PINK in them but here is another one. 
 I painted this for my Grandfather when I was fifteen and he was so proud of it! 
That's it for my contribution to PINK Saturday this week. Have a wonderful, PINK, bubbalicious weekend everyone! Nan

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Happy Birthday Rachel!

My oldest "baby" turns 23 today! Unlike her sister who arrived three weeks early, Rachel arrived nearly three weeks late and I was HUGE! Seriously, I was big enough to qualify for my own zip code! She was such a pretty baby with milky white skin, little tufts of hair, not quite red and not quite blonde and the most beautiful steel blue eyes. Of course everyone kept  telling me, they'll turn, babies are always born with blue eyes but Rachel's never did and they are still the prettiest shade of blue.

By the time her first Birthday rolled around, Rachel was already forming two word sentences. "Oh look" she exclaimed as she opened each gift. 
She was always inquisitive and always wanted to explore her surroundings. And she was fearless! She would give me fits every time we went shopping or to a park. I would turn my back for a second and she would be gone. I was always hysterical by the time I found her and she would be completely oblivious to the fact that her mother had been frantically searching for her. She would come running up to me, recounting all the wonderful things she had seen on her little "solo excursion"! How apropos that Rachel's favorite saying is "Not all who wander are lost" J.R,R. Tolkien

Once Rachel entered school, it was obvious she was going to excel at Math and Science. When most kids would rather suffer through a horrible case of Chicken Pox than construct a Science Fair project, Rachel relished the idea. As smart as we all knew she was, there was a time in her young life when we thought she would never read. When we finally got the diagnosis that Rachel was severely dyslexic we were determined  this would never stop her from accomplishing what she wanted to do. 

She has overcome so many obstacles and today, she reads more than anyone I know. Rachel has grown into a sweet, kind young woman with an unwavering Faith, a wonderful imagination and an unquenchable thirst to learn. She aspires to get her Masters and do genetic research on plants. We often kid that she will probably discover the cure for some rare disease some day. 

 Happy Birthday my sweet girl! 
We love you and miss you so much!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Breaking News!!! Women goes Thrifting and actually finds something! Details at Eleven

LOL, sorry, I just had to start this post that way! You see, ever since I started reading blogs, I have marveled at all the wonderful thrift store finds my bloggy friends have shared. From cute kitschy housewares to dreamy vintage Holiday decor, I've found myself swooning to the point of jealousy over such fortunate finds and wishing I could be so fortunate. But alas, the thrift store gods have never been kind to me, finding no more than beat up crock pots and stinky worn out shoes. Now I'll be the first to admit, I am not a faithful thrift shop visitor, I rarely go more than once every couple of months. This week however; I had a little extra time to spend so I stopped in a thrift store that benefits the local Womens' shelter. I strolled the isles thinking to myself, another useless trip, then I noticed a room at the back filled with Christmas Items. My excitement built as I entered, then quickly deflated, I had such high hopes of finding some really cool vintage decorations but once again nothing. As I was heading out the door, something hiding behind a cracked candle stick caught my eye. YES!!!! Finally a treasure worth carrying to the checkout! This is the treasure I found....

I don't know anything about it, I'm guessing this little Santa might be from the 70's but he sure is cute! This is the only marking on it. 

Anyone want to take a stab at his history? 

     So now I'm feeling lucky as I headed to the children's book area where I found this...

The cover is a little worn but most of the pages are in pretty good shape. 

Aren't the illustrations sweet!

And last but not least I found these cute little chairs. 

I know they aren't vintage but I thought they would look really cute in my studio holding some buttons or small trinkets. So, after all the pouting and wishing I can finally say, I found it at a thrift store! Now I'm ready to try estate sales!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Scripture in Pictures Sunday - The Magnificat

The Festival Of Mary, Mother of Our Lord
As always, you may click on the picture to bring up a larger, SHARPER image
right click and save, if you like!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pink Saturday! Ohio Art Pottery

Happy PINK Saturday!
Please stop by How Sweet The Sound and say Hi to Miss Beverly, our host for Pink Saturday!

Today I want to share something very dear to my heart. I grew up in East Central Ohio not too far from where most of the Ohio Art pottery was produced, the most popular being Roseville,  Weller  McCoy and Hull. Rookwood pottery was also produced in Ohio but in Cincinnati, a different part of the state. I started my collection about thirty years ago, quite by accident. My parents were combining two houses and were going to have an auction to get rid of the excess items they didn't need or want. One day I passed by the boxes my mother had stuffed with "junk" in preparation for the auction. I glanced down and saw a sweet little vase that once belonged to my Great Grandmother laying on top of one of the boxes. "Mom, you aren't  getting rid of THIS are you?" My mom looked up at me with the most bewildered look on her face, I think at this point she must have been overwhelmed, and said "Oh, I guess so". Of course my next question was "CAN I HAVE IT????"  and held my breath as I waited for her reply. "Yes, I suppose so" came the answer I was hoping to hear! To this day I can't believe she was going to get rid of it. And so began my collection of Ohio Art Pottery. My collection is small, only about ten pieces and all but one were Christmas gifts from my parents. I thought I would share a few of my PINK Ohio Art Pottery pieces with you today. This first piece is the one and only piece that I bought myself. It is one of my favorites because I just love the delicate colors. 
(as always, you can click on any of the pictures to bring up a larger view!)
It was manufactured by Hull and another interesting note about this piece, it still has the original HULL sticker on the inside. 

These next two pieces are part of Roseville's Water Lilly collection.

This next piece is by Weller. Weller is not as well known but along with Rookwood was considered somewhat more artistic as artist's were encouraged to develop their own styles. 
This last piece, also by Weller is very special because it is the last piece my parents gave to me before they passed away. 
If you would like more information on Ohio Art pottery, you can click on any of the company names above and it will take you to the Wikipedia article or just Google the names.Have a wonderful, Pinkalicious weekend! Nan

additional resources:  

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Friday Freebies!

TGIF!!! That means time for some great FREEBIES!
 What a great idea and so useful! Crafty Staci has the pattern and a tut to make this passport wallet!

And check out this really sweet slumber party paper doll from Babalisme.

Next Elegant Bloggery  posted these really cute coloring pages that could be used as digital stamps among other things. Make sure you scroll down to the cupcake pages, they are sooo cute!

Living Locurto has these wonderful back to school morning routine cards waiting for you!

And speaking of back to school, Tricia-Rennea has the cutest BOOKMARKS BOOKPLATES, and
MINI NOTES free for you to download!

And last but not least, Craft Stylish has the pattern for this wonderful caplet, just in time for cooler weather!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone! xxoo Nan

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Guess who's coming to Dinner?
First I had lunch with my Niece and her precious baby boy! I can't believe how fast he is changing. I saw him a month ago and he wasn't even sitting up. Now he is crawling and pulling himself up. 
 Is he not the cutest baby?!
Then last night I was in the backyard grilling and heard a little commotion. I looked up to find my sweet deer, you know... the ones that reek havoc in my garden! Well this little imp saw them at the same time and had a great time chasing them out of our HER yard! 

Not to worry, as soon as I got the bucket of corn, they were back, too hungry to let a little Jack Russell chase them away. There are four babies and the smallest one came so close to me, I could have touched her! 

Sorry the pic is a little blurry, I was trying to snap it fast before Hippy chased them off again. Naughty girl, I know she is saying "Who Moi?". 

Have wonderful bubbly day filled with JOY! Nan