Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Vintage Red Oil Paintings

Back in August I shared this Oil painting I painted when I was about 12. 

You can read the story of these OIL paintings and the original post HERE.
Well I thought I would finally show the other two OIL paintings in the set. First, this little Scottie, which is my least favorite of the three.

And then there is this little Boston Terrier.

I'm linking this post to REDnesday at It's A Very Cherry World
Vintage Thingie Thursday at Colorado Lady
and Alphabe Thursday for the letter O at Jenny Matlock's


  1. WOW! You painted like that when you were 12? Now that's a God-given talent if I ever saw one.


  2. Those are so cute. Google reader ate my blog list so I just found out how to recover my followers.

  3. Wow, you were a talented twelve year old. These are darling.Happy REDnesday! ~ Sarah

  4. When you were 12???? WOWZA!! You are so talented!! I LOVE them!

  5. These are so cool-can't believe you did that at 12! The set of three together is wonderful!

  6. what wonderful paintings. you were very talented at 12. I don't think i could do a paint by number so well even now. thanks for sharing them. they are great!

  7. Nan, I certainly hope that you're still painting, because it's obvious that you have a natural talent! These are so sweet, but the one that you painted for your grandfather is stunning. I've always wanted to be able to draw and paint well, so I really admire your talent!
    Happy REDnesday!

  8. Such wonderful talent at a very tender age. I love the first one.

    Have a great day! La

  9. Nan! You are amazing and delightful! Thank you so much for sharing these with us. They are so very precious and such a fun glimpse of your young years and it's so much fun getting to know you. You are loaded with talent! I realize as type this, that I don't what craft currently enjoy most?

    Happy Rednesday,

  10. What adorable little dogie paintings. I love them. No, I never really knew why they stopped that car. Around here it could have been most anything.

  11. Your paintings are cute. The poodle is my favorite.

  12. Those are just precious! How wonderful that you still have them.

  13. Transplanted buckeye here too! Adorable furbabies!!!

  14. I love their eyes. Nice job.

  15. Well of course you know I love them. Amazed at your talent. Nurture it well.

  16. So much talent! I could never have painted anything like that at 12...or even now!

  17. You painted those when you were 12???? Gooooooooly! I love them!

  18. Wow! Must keep an eye here to see what you paint now!

  19. That little Scottie looks a lot like my Yorkie! Big ears!!!

  20. Oh, these are adorable. You did a great job to have been 12. What is amazing is you still have them. Happy VTT!

  21. I might be able to do 1/10 as well when I am 112...but I suspect I'll never know.

    These are so charming. How fun that you still have them and can share them with family and friends.

    What an outrageously cute stop this week for Alphabe-Thursday.

    Your link really made me smile.



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